December 28th, 2022
What is a Fitzpatrick Scale?
Fitzpatrick Scale, also known as Fitzpatrick Phototyping Scale, is a numerical classification developed in 1975 by American dermatologist Thomas B. Fitzpatrick to estimate response to UV light in different skin types. This scale includes six categories, which replaced and simplified the older Von Luschan Scale that consisted of 36 categories.
There are many reasons why its important to know and understand your Fitzpatrick Scale. Knowing your type can assist in making the appropriate skin care product choices which will protect you against sun damage and resulting skin conditions. Skin care professionals use this scale to understand risk factors to products, skin aging and damage from sunburn, skin irritation, skin cancer, hyperpigmentation, scarring and treatments they preform.
In my opinion as a licensed aesthetician, if you see a dermal specialist and they do not include a full fitzpatrick test in their consultation, that practitioner may be putting your skin health at risk with treatments. In determining my client’s fitzpatrick scale, I also include any tanning habits and heritage in my form to help determine the appropriate treatment plan for my client’s skin care goals.
What Is My Fitzpatrick Scale? Take the Quiz!
Total all the numbers to get your final score below
Genetic Disposition
Your eye color is:
- Light Blue, Light Grey or Light Green = 0
- Blue, Grey or Green = 1
- Hazel or Light Brown = 2
- Dark Brown = 3
- Brownish Black = 4
Your natural hair color is:
- Red or Light Blond = 0
- Blond = 1
- Dark Blond or Light Brown = 2
- Dark Brown = 3
- Black = 4
Your Natural Skin Color (Before Sun Exposure) is:
- Ivory or White = 0
- Fair or Pale = 1
- Fair to Beige, with Golden Undertone = 2
- Olive or Light Brown = 3
- Dark Brown or Black = 4
Freckles on Unexposed Areas of Your Skin:
- Many = 0
- Several = 1
- A Few = 2
- Very Few = 3
- None = 4
Reaction to Sun Exposure
Skin Response To Sun:
- Always Burns, Blisters or Peels = 0
- Often Burns, Blisters or Peels = 1
- Burns Moderately = 2
- Burns Rarely, If Not at All = 3
- Never Burns = 4
How Deeply Do You Tan:
- Not at All or Very Little = 0
- Lightly = 1
- Moderately = 2
- Deeply = 3
- My Skin is Naturally Dark = 4
Does Your Skin Tan:
- Never, I Easily Burn = 0
- Seldom = 1
- Sometimes = 2
- Often = 3
- Always = 4
How Sensitive Is Your Face To The Sun:
- Very Sensitive = 0
- Sensitive = 1
- Normal = 2
- Resistant = 3
- Very Resistant = 4
If your score was between 0 and 6, You are Fitzpatrick Scale I (1)
Some common ethnicity of Fitzpatrick I are English and Scottish.
Typical description of Fitzpatrick I are red or blond hair and blue or light colored eyes. They always burn and never tan.
Skin tone can be described as pale, porcelain or ivory.

Fitzpatrick I Skin Care Challenges include sunburns and sun damage, sun-induced signs of aging, increased risk of melanoma, prone to acne, rosacea and pigmentation.
If your score was between 7 and 13, You are Fitzpatrick Scale II (2)
Some common ethnicities of Fitzpatrick II are Northern European and Scandinavian.
Typical description of Fitzpatrick II are blond, light brown hair or red hair and blue or hazel eyes. They usually burn and tan with difficulty.
Skin tone can be described as fair or cream.

Fitzpatrick II Skin Care Challenges include sunburns and sun damage, sun-induced signs of aging, increased risk of melanoma, prone to rosacea and freckling.
If your score was between 14 and 20, You are Fitzpatrick III (3)
A common ethnicity of Fitzpatrick III is German.
Typical description of Fitzpatrick III are brown hair and blue or hazel eyes. They burn sometimes, and are slow to tan.
Skin tone can be described as golden honey-hued to very light olive.

Fitzpatrick III Skin Care Challenges include sun damage, sun-induced signs of aging, slightly higher risk for pigmentation and irregularities
If your score was between 21 and 27, You are a Fitzpatrick IV (4)
Some common ethnicities of Fitzpatrick IV are Mediterranean, Southern European, and Hispanic.
Typical description of Fitzpatrick IV are dark brown hair and dark eyes. They rarely burn and tan easily. Skin tone can be described as caramel or olive.

Fitzpatrick IV Skin Care Challenges include sun damage, sun-induced signs of aging, slightly higher risk for pigmentation and irregularities
If your score was between a 28 and 34, You are a Fitzpatrick V (5)
Some common ethnicities of Fitzpatrick V are Asian, Indian and African.
Typical description of Fitzpatrick V are dark brown hair and dark eyes. They rarely burn and tan easily.
Skin tone can be described as bronze to rich brown.

Fitzpatrick V Skin Care Challenges include sun-induced signs of aging, excessive sun exposure can cause uneven skin tone and pigmentation, certain skin care treatments may result in hyperpigmentation and scarring, more prone to dark spots and pigmentation irregularities
If your score was 35+ , You are a Fitzpatrick VI (6)
Some common ethnicities of Fitzpatrick VI are African and Aboriginals.
Typical description of a Fitzpatrick VI are naturally very dark brown or black hair and dark eyes. They almost never burn and tan easily.
Skin tone can be described as deep mahogany to espresso.

Fitzpatrick VI Skin Care Challenges include sun induced signs of aging, excessive sun exposure can cause uneven skin tone and pigmentation, certain skin care treatments may result in hyperpigmentation and scarring, certain skin conditions like acne and eczema in uneven skin tone